In AS 42 (March 2008), we held the first Herald's Pointe. The purpose of Herald's Pointe was to provide the populace of the Middle Kingdom, as well as other realms, the opportunity to get their personal cognizance (also called personal device, emblazon or arms) evaluated for registry with the College of Heralds of the SCA. We can tell you whether it fits within the parameters selected by the SCA for registry, as well as whether another person has registered the emblazon as their cognizance.
In addition, the heralds may assist you in developing a name that fits your SCA persona. It can be registered with your emblazon.
Herald's Pointe provides an opportunity to meet with heralds without the distractions of other events. No need to rush between A&S classes, tournament bouts, etc. - just the heralds and you.
Herald's Pointe quickly grew to provide opportunities to learn about the various uses of heraldry in the Middle Kingdom/SCA.
By the fourth Herald's Pointe we added the Scribal Arts so the Heralds would have something to read in court.
A registered cognizance lets all know that you are the only one with that particular heraldry, thereby identifying who you are. For example, two knights
with blank shields do not indicate whether they are meeting an enemy or a friend. If they are different, you now can identify who is who. Both with
the same emblazon should be of the same company - such as the Knights Templar or the Greenwood Company
All who see my emblazon described or blazoned as: Per bend nebuly azure and argent, a duck displayed Or and a
fleur-de-lys vert , know they see Áindle ÓDiarmada before them.
The same thing is done today - although the emblazons in the US are generally owned by companies and are called logos or trademarks.
For those who wish to be known by their own personal emblazon, the College of Heralds is available to assist through your local groups herald, at many Midrealm events and of course at Herald's Pointe and Scribal Collegium.
Great! Bring your examples of how you use your device for display. Or learn how to use your heraldry!
One of the holdups in getting the populace recognized by awards is a lack of scribes. Our Canton has added the Scribal Collegium to offer classes for aspiring Scribes and those seeking to improve their art. If you want to learn more about the scribal arts within the Midrealm, this event provides opportunities to try different mediums, to learn about layouts, calligraphy, and the Midrealm Award system. Click on the Why Illumination button below for more on the Scribal Arts.
The need is great for scrolls - just look around you at all the people you see that serve, teach, mentor, inspire others to achieve more or inspire excellence. Do they deserve recognition?
A scroll is something treasured by most members of the SCA, both for the award as well as the work of art in their hand. (If you have ever received an award, SCA or mundane, written out in calligraphy, beautifully decorated or illuminated, you understand. If you have never received a scroll, visit the Illumination in the SCA page with the button below to see what we are talking about.)
Now, imagine one of those deserving people receiving a scroll illuminated or scribed by your hand .... then seeing it hanging framed on a wall when you visit them! Besides, this is an activity that you can do in the winter, when its raining or stormy, "in your free time", - all with minimal supplies.
Note: The Middle Kingdom is one of the few Kingdom's that provides a hand done work of art or a scroll for all Kingdom awards. Many kingdom's provide a computer generated scroll or less for most awards; scrolls are reserved for peerage level only.
For examples of Illuminated Scrolls see our Illumination and the Scribal Arts page for scrolls done by our Canton Scribes - Baroness Aliyah and Dame SaehildR.
Fantastic! You are needed to help us teach others how to illuminate a scroll. Besides, it is good to get together and see what others are doing and maybe get some new ideas, or if nothing else, get together with some of your SCA family.
Your humble webminister is not an artist either. They keep crayons away from me (not to mention paint or markers! ) However, I am a man of letters! (I can read and write.) I have learned one alphabet and am learning another one so maybe some day, I can become good enough to write a scroll. The kingdom has members who can teach you how to elegantly write in medieval script or calligraphy.
The Scribal Collegium provides you a chance to learn new skills and also fulfill a needed, valuable, rewarding and gratefully received (often overwhelming) service to your fellow SCAdians.
You do not need to do the whole scroll. You can illuminate the scroll and pass it on for another to scribe the award, or accept illuminated scrolls to scribe. Either way .....
Event Steward - Baron Áindle ÓDiarmada email:
Event Steward and Classes Coordinator - Baron Áindle