
Calendar of Events

Check the The Middle Kingdom Calendar for a list of all Middle Kingdom events.

  • Participants engaging in this behavior are subject to appropriate sanctions.
  • If you are subjected to harassment, bullying or retaliation, or if you become aware of anyone being harassed or bullied, contact a seneschal, President of the SCA, or your Kingdom's Board Ombudsman.

Below are events members of WealdLake frequently attend or WealdLake sponsors. We welcome you to join us in the Current Middle Ages at the listed events. Unlike a Renaissance Fair, SCA events aren’t just something you come to watch, they’re something you actively do. Just do not be suprised as if it was done in the Middle Ages or Renaissance, the odds are you’ll find someone in the SCA interested in recreating it! For more visit the Newcomer's Portal.

Note: Events require you make an attempt at medieval colothing (or Garb). At most events there is loaner Garb available for those who do not have their own garb or just want to see what we are about. Just ask at the gate where you pay the entry fee and they will direct you.

indicates Canton hosted event
indicates Canton Business Meeting
indicates Baronial Council Meeting

January 2025

February 2025

March 2025

April 2025

May 2025

These meetings are held at The Livingston Clinic located at 5889 Whitmore Lake Road #3|Brighton, MI 48116 and are the Business Meetings of the Canton of WealdLake. All are invited to attend, none are required. This is where the usual mundane meetings of the local group are held. (We attend in mundane clothes.) For information on the agenda, contact our Seneschal - Dame SaehildR barngodR.
All are invited to attend, none are required. This is where the usual mundane meetings of the barony are held. For information on the agenda, contact our Seneschal - The Honorable Lady Odelia of White Waters
Need a little extra space for your project or sewing advice/lesson? Come join Baroness Aliyah, The Honorable Lady Odelia and others from the canton! This is a social gathering of men and women who wish to make garb (aka medieval clothing) or just work on a project with the group. It costs about $20.00 US to make a 'basic medieval' outfit. More formal and elaborate garb such as court garb costs more. This time is also used by the Canton to make the Canton's banner signage, scroll covers, or other major projects. Bring your project or just come to Gab. For more information, come to a business meeting or contact our Seneschal. Children are welcome at all the meetings.
One of the most interesting parts of the SCA are "events", our word for the times when we put on our medieval clothing, go out and dance those dances we've been practicing, flirt, eat, talk, and generally have a good time.
Events are held almost every weekend of the year somewhere; some weekends there may be as many as a couple dozen events scattered around the SCA. Listed above are our canton events and those others canton members plan to attend.
There are many different kinds of events, and the common pattern varies from place to place and season to season. The events are the most fun to most folk, because there we are recreating the "current medieval ages."
At large events there are often tournaments, art exhibits or competitions, classes on all manner of medieval skills, workshops, and at many events a Royal or Baronial Court, followed by a medieval feast and sometimes dancing. Smaller events focus on one or two areas such as a Winter Revel or 12th Night celebration that brings folks together with generally a little music, dancing, a feast and lots of time to flirt, eat, talk, and generally have a good time.
Events require at least an attempt of Medieval dress or "garb" for participation. If you are in our area and do not have medieval clothing, please contact the members of Wealdlake to either borrow "garb" or information on how to make quick and easy "garb".

Similar to an event, in that we put on our medieval clothing, but now we show the best the SCA has to offer to the general public. Medieval dress is not required to participate. Contact our Seneschal (mailto:wealdlake.seneschal@midrealm.org) if your school, group or organization is interested in having us provide a demo. We have provided demos for elementary classrooms, boy scout events, library enrichment classes and local events (such as the Michigan Challenge Balloonfest). See the Balloonfest demos list for what we demonstrated from the "current middle ages" to the guests of the Michigan Challenge Balloonfest.

Newcomers Openhouse - This is for those people who would like to know what the SCA is all about (such as what does SCA stand for).  All who are interested in the Middle Ages are invited to attend. Here we will have small demos or samples of SCA arts and Crafts. All Gab and Garb gatherings are also newcomers openhouse events, as we generally are working on SCA related projects. These, however, are not the more formal demo event of a Newcomers Openhouse.

Heavy Fighter Practice - A new and continuing class/practice in the fine art of medieval martial arts for the members of the Canton and others in the SCA. For the truly chivalrous,or those who wish to fight dragons, defend the realm, protect and rescue maidens, and live the dream! Is in the style of ground fighting in heavy armor - no horseback training as yet. All SCA forms are taught including single sword, sword and shield, two swords, etc. See armored fighting page for more information or contact the Group Knight Marshall
Lady Helena Falkenstein

Rapier Fighter Practice -A new and continuing class/practice in the various forms of rapier sword fighting or fencing, as practiced in our later period. Think three musketeers and you are in the right style. All SCA forms are taught and practiced - including single sword, sword and buckler, two swords, longsword, etc. and even the new Cut and Thrust. This form of fighting does use live steel (with the points covered.) Fencing is for both youth and adults;Cut and Thrust is currently adult only. See the fencing or rapier page for more information or contact the
Group Knight Marshall
Lady Helena Falkenstein

Youth Fighter Practice - A new and continuing class/practice in the fine art of medieval martial arts for the youth members of the Canton and others in the SCA. For the truly chivalrous, or those who wish to fight dragons, defend the realm, protect and rescue maidens, and live the dream! It is in the style of boffer fighting. See youth fighting page for more information or contact the  Youth Knight Marshals, Lord Schwartz Wilhelm VonEisenburg Auf Odra or Lady Petranella VonEisenburg Auf Odra at marshall@wealdlake.org.