This page for historical reference only

The Canton of WealdLake


The Barony of Roaring Wastes


The Coronation of A'kos and Bella

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Heart of the Shepherd Lutheran Church ~ 228 N. Burkhart Rd, Howell MI 48843

Tentative Schedule

8:30 am - Site Opens
10:00 am - Morning Court
11:30 -1:30 - Lunch Tavern
1 pm - 4 pm - A&S Classes
5 pm - Evening Court
7:30 pm - Feast
Post-Revel at Brewery Becker 500 W. Main, Brighton, MI 48116

Heart of the Shepherd Lutheran Church

Exit 133 from I-96
South of I-96
If you reach Mason Rd, you will need to turn around.
If you reach Tanger Mall, you will have to turn around and go over the expressway to the other part of N Burkhart Rd.

View Larger Map

Site is bone dry no exceptions.
No smoking/tobacco products at all on the grounds - includes eCigs, vaping, etc. (Smoking in private vehicles is okay.)

NO STAKES - Underground Sprinkler system

Unfortunately we were unable to acquire a block of rooms anywhere.

There are two hotels less than 2 miles from the Site:

Holiday Inn Express


Baymont Inn


Less than 5 miles from the Site:

Magnuson Hotel


There are also several hotels (2 more Holiday Inns) in Brighton, MI.

Adult: $17

Adult Member: $12

Youth (6-17 yrs): $5

Child (0 - 5 years: Free

Feast: $15

Adult: $15

Adult Member: $10

Youth (6-17 yrs): $5

Child (0 - 5 years: Free

Feast: $12

Checks payable to
SCA-MI, Inc Canton of Wealdlake
Must be Postmarked by
Friday, September 21, 2018
Please mail to:
Anna OConnell
4233 Mario Ct
Plymouth MI 48170
Lunch Tavern Menu

Chicken Pot Pie, choice of 2 cookies or fresh fruit, drink

Gluten Free

Chicken Stew over Rice, fresh fruit, drink


Lentil Stew over Rice, fresh fruit, drink


Choice of iced tea (separate sweetener), lemonade and water.

Food items in the Meal Deals will also be available individually.

Please contact the Lunch Tavern Head Cook, Lady Tess (email) with any allergy information or special needs.

Lunch Tavern Menu Ingredients
Chicken Stew

chicken, gluten-free stock, onions, garlic, carrots, potatoes, celery, parsnips, salt, pepper, bay leaf, parsley, corn, Lima beans, Worcestershire sauce

Pie Crust

flour, butter, shortening

Lentil Stew

lentils, tomatoes, parsley, garlic, vegan vegetable stock, onions, salt, pepper, bay leaf, leeks, carrots, celery, potatoes

Chocolate Chip Cookies

white flour, butter, brown sugar, white sugar, eggs, vanilla, baking soda, salt, chocolate chips

Sugar Cookies

white flour, white sugar, salt, eggs, cream, butter, vanilla, baking soda

On the Table

Fresh baked bread loaves with compound butter, market fruit, and pork charcuterie


Roasted heritage breed pig with seasonal vegetables


Harvest fruit galettes (with and without Marzipan)

The meal is themed around the Harvest season and will feature seasonal produce from local Michigan farms and Berkshire/Glouchestershire pork raised naturally and ethically from a Michigan heritage farm and custom butchered by Heinrich.
A Distant Mirror
A contest, a snapshot of objects from history.

Hold a mirror to an ancient object and bring it to life. Create a piece of history that looks, tastes, or sounds as if it came from a time in the distant mirror. Use a picture, illumination, or written description as your inspiration. The goal is the look of a brand new thing. Judging will be based on appearance alone. Method or materials will not be considered. Your written requirements will be to complete a form that asks who, what, when, where and the picture or a copy (photocopies are fine) of the written source.

Click here for the A&S contest form
Their Royal Highnesses of the Middle Kingdom, A'kos and Bella will have a display of the Largesse given by Their people at Their Coronation.

Their Highnesses would appreciate small tokens that could be given out for any number of reasons, including small cups, rings, bracelets, necklaces, etc.

More specifically, They are looking for tokens that have the feel of being Magyar in origin, such as simple metal shank buttons and coins. Mistress Asalah al-Hina has more specific information on these if there is anyone interested in creating such a token.You can contact her at

Their Highnesses would also appreciate award tokens and circlets.

Registration form for the display.


Archery range will be open starting at noon.

Noon-1:00 open practice.

1:00-4:30 mini novelty tournaments. Archers can come shoot one or two or stay the entire time.

There will be fun little prizes for each shoot and an overall winner of the day will be chosen based on the results of all shoots.

Armored Combat

After Court - Lists open for Inspections and Authorizations

Noon Flower Tournament Bear Pit

1:00 Break

2:30 Pool Tourney

4:30 List closes

Rapier Combat

After Court - Lists open for Inspections and Authorizations

Noon Flower Tournament Bear Pit

1:00 Break

1:30 Weighted Elimination Tournament

4:30 List closes

Flower Tournament

Bear Pit Styled

Today is a day to honor those whom inspire us to take to the tournament field. In that vein, a bear pit tournament shall be held on both the Armored and Rapier lists.

Each combatant is asked to have their consort available, or someone acting as their inspiration for the day (i.e. – Spouse, Significant Other, A peer, Teacher, child, parent, etc.). When a combatant loses a bout, they will approach Her Majesty to receive a Flower. The combatant must then present the flower to the consort / inspiration of their opponent along with a compliment regarding their opponent.

The consort / inspiration with the most flowers at the end of the tournament will be declared the winner. Flowers will be supplied.

Tourney will continue until time is reached and/or flowers are all distributed.

Pool Tournament

Bear Pit Styled

Depending on the number of attending fighters, we will have four pits with top #? advancing to the next level. This tourney is subject to change if we opt for something more fun and time allows.

Weighted Elimination Tournament

This elimination tournament will be fought in a challenge tournament style. Fencers will be assigned the number of times they may be eliminated based on the level of Rapier awards they have received.

The tournament will continue until only one fencer remains.

Master of Defense: 2
Warder: 3
Cavendish Knot: 4
No awards, with 2 or more authorizations: 5
No awards, authorized in single only: 6

Fall Coronation Event Stewards

The Honorable Lady SaehildR barngodR (email)
Baroness Isabella Pallini (email)
Baroness of Roaring Wastes


The Honorable Lady Odelia of White Waters (email)

Gate Steward

Lady Áine inguen Ui Connailll (email) & Lady Petruszka

Primary Court Heral:

THLord Jean Yves de Chierebourg (email)

Lunch Tavern

Canton of Brackendelve
Lady Leslye Tess Wilson-Wolf (email)

Feast Steward

Heinrich der Metzger (email)

Royal Liaison Team (there are multiple Royalty Rooms)

Royalty Room (TRM/TRH Midrealm):

Baroness Aliyah bat Asriel (email)

Royalty Retreat (Visiting Royals):

Baroness Malla Zita (email)

Marshals in Charge:


Sir Bran Cuileann mac Muirchu ui Niall (email)


Warder Michael McKay (email) & Lady Alice the Bard (email)


Countess Aibhilin ni Dhomhnail (email), Tarquin Jarl Ritter, & Forester Will O’hAnain

Thrown Weapons

Lord Thorvalt Odinson (email)

A&S Coordinators

Mistress Asalah al-Hina (email) & Mistress Anthionette de Martel (email)

Merchant Liaison

Baroness Gwenllyn the Minstrel (email)

Volunteer Coordinators

Master Maximilian der Zauberer (email) & Lord AEthelstan Whiteoak(email)

WealdLake Event Pages